We’ve partnered up with Rakuten, the #1 global affiliate marketing network and platform. So if you’re a publisher, no matter how big or small, or provide certain e-commerce services, you can earn money simply by driving your online traffic to Sportfish.
You will be paid a commission of between 5% to 10% of every sale made on the Sportfish website from the traffic you generate.
Becoming a publisher with Rakuten is simple, and in addition to being able to promote some of the world’s most loved consumer brands, you’ll get excellent Rakuten account management and support teams, and some of the most advanced technology in the business.
How To Become A Publisher
- To become a publisher with Rakuten, visit
- Once you’re set up, search for the Sportfish member ID (MID 49304) and apply to become one of our publishers.
- If we feel you’re the right match for Sportfish, we’ll approve your application and agree on the rate of commission we pay you for each sale generated.
- We paid over £1,600 commission to our top publisher in May 2024 and our affiliate publishers were paid over £10,000 in total commission last year.
So sign up today and start generating some additional revenue!